Whenever I feel inspired by someone or something, I just press the button. I never stop, not even when my camera is missing, and even so, I have an "invisible button through my eyes". More often I keep pictures for me like I used to do with my writings when I was a kid.
Back then, there was my mom spying on me; whenever I was writing something, then she archived. As time passed and I grew up, I realized that it's like a revelation to bring back "my written thoughts". Lately, I realised that finding my writings brought me back memories that I forgot, therefore, was the moment when I decide to keep keep my pictures too - for me and for those which are touched by its inner stories.
Because it's all about feelings and joy, and because their stories are priceless and must be seen, I decide to create this page where I can share my photos with you.
Taking pictures doesn't make me a professional photographer, but I know I can bring up joy and a good story of it. So, feel free to share with your friends, because you never know who needs a smile.
<3 <3 <3
De fiecare data cand ceva ma inspira, fotografiez. Chiar si cand nu am aparatul la mine, imaginile mi se intiparesc pe retina ca si cum as fotografia. De cele mai multe ori am pastrat fotografiile doar pentru mine, exact cum obisnuiam sa fac cand eram mica si scriam cate o poezie sau asterneam pur si simplu cateva cuvinte pe hartie.
Pe atunci, mama era cea care imi aduna toate scrierile si le arhiva. Pe masura ce timpul a trecut iar eu am crescut, mi-am descoperit "gandurile" scrise in copilarie si am avut o revelatie. Multe lucruri sau intamplari le uitasem, dar ce e scris ramane scris cum spunea cineva mai inaintea mea... Asadar am inceput sa-mi pastrez scrierile cat si fotografiile - atat pentru mine, cat si pentru cei care se identifica intr-un fel cu povestile mele sau se bucura cand imi privesc fotografiile.
Pentru ca este vorba despre ceea ce simti si iti bucura sufletul, m-am hotarat sa-mi fac o pagina dedicata fotografiilor pe care le fac din cand in cand si a povestilor care le insotesc.
Multumesc celor care ma sustin deja in ceea ce fac, se stiu ei singuri iar eu stiu ca n-au nevoie de laude. Sa ne bucuram impreuna de o noua zi, de o noua provocare, de tot ce putem face pentru ca orice rau sa devina bine.
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